The Band of Horses original is very good, but a strong cover can turn a great tune into a classic. It works by ensuring that all the feel of the original is retained even in its altered form. Whereas the BOH version is contemplative, Cee Lo's is demanding and pleading, sung with conviction rather than resignation. The result is a slightly different but significant take on the song. This sort of thing used to happen all the time, when artists like Joe Cocker could make great careers out of interpreting. It doesn't happen as much anymore, because we tend to put "interpreters" down. But this dude, whether you like him or not, is no copycat. This is legit.
I don't think I'll be buying the album. I've got too many CD's lined up and there's sure to be more, so I doubt I'll get around to it. But this is very reassuring.
Man, that is a swank-ass tune. I'm gonna' go ahead and acquire this. Still not sure if it's worth a full album purchase myself either... (rubs chin thoughtfully)